Safe + Healthy Homes
At Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, we believe everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home.
Making Homes Safe and Healthy
With a dedicated staff of 25, we complete more than 150 physical rehabilitation projects a year for low-income homeowners across Allegheny County.
Our programs include: Affordable Housing Repair, Rehab for Resale, Safe & Healthy Homes, and Utility PartnerPrograms.
Affordable Housing Repair
Much of our work is focused on three “Impact Neighborhoods”— Hazelwood, Homewood, and The Hill District. We leverage government, corporate and philanthropic investments with volunteer labor to complete dozens of home repairs for qualifying low-income homeowners in a tight geographic area. This clustered focus frequently leads to additional improvements by adjacent homeowners. Taken together, these improvements change the nature of entire blocks, generate a significant positive impact on housing values, and create new homeowner equity—often for the first time in a generation.
Download our Affordable Housing Repair program sheet
Rehab for Resale
Our ability to affordably rehabilitate homes is extended to vacant, dilapidated properties through our Rehab for Resale (R4R) program. Local partners buy and hold properties that RTP rehabilitates using our well-honed ability to bring significant savings to the work. Additional partners canvas the neighborhood to build a pipeline of local renters who are ready and eager to become first-time homebuyers. The program aims to produce affordable homeowner housing while providing a modest return to RTP that can be reinvested in additional projects.
Download our Rehab for Resale program sheet
Safe & Healthy Homes
At once our oldest and newest expanded program, Safe & Healthy Homes provides free home repair to seniors, veterans and people with disabilities. While these projects often lack the benefits that scale provides in impact neighborhoods, they provide critical health and safety improvements to the region’s most vulnerable homeowners. Starting in 2017, Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh has increased our focus on improving indoor air quality and remedying other issues that can negatively impact health and safety in the home.
Healthy Homes Report Card – Allegheny County
RTP’s Safe and Healthy Homes Statistics
Download our Safe & Healthy Home program sheet
Utility Partner Programs
Duquesne Light Company
Smart Comfort Program (866) 282-3147
The Smart Comfort Program is an energy reduction and education program available to income-qualified Duquesne Light customers who are interested in electric bill reductions. Following an initial assessment and the completion of any associated energy reduction and/or weatherization updates, an auditor will conduct a quality assurance assessment to ensure the satisfactory completion of updates as well as offer a complimentary review of energy reduction educational materials and guidelines.
Columbia Gas
Emergency Repair Program (800) 537-7431
Income-qualified Columbia Gas customers are eligible for this program should they require emergency assistance for repair or replacement of gas furnaces, water heaters, gas lines and space heaters serving as the primary heat source for a home. This program is designed to address emergency situations that involve unsafe conditions for customers who own and live in their home. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh oversees program administration and management on behalf of Columbia Gas for all qualified customers.
Audits & Rebates (877) 376-2783
Income-qualified Columbia Gas customers are eligible for a free home energy audit, an energy efficiency plan with estimated cost savings, and potentially free installation of energy efficiency measures. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh oversees program administration and management on behalf of Columbia Gas for all qualified customers.
Download our Utility Partner Program Sheet
Building Connections
Building trust with homeowners is at the heart of Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh’s work and is essential to a successful home renovation. Through our Building Connections program, RTP establishes a relationship with homeowners beyond the scope of construction projects to ensure they are knowledgeable about and comfortable with the changes happening in their homes. Our experienced staff also provides application assistance to homeowners who qualify for public services and resources.
Download our Building Connections program sheet

Get Involved
If you are wondering how to help out your neighbors, RTP has a ton of ways to get involved!

Home repairs completed
Support Safe & Healthy Housing
Our ability to stay safe at home is largely dependent on the quality of our housing. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh delivers home repairs to our neighbors who need it most.