Volunteers play a significant role in RTP’s home repair work.
Increasing Impact with Volunteers
In addition to the tangible contributions they make to our projects, volunteers amplify our neighbors’ understanding that the work and services they receive come directly from those in their own community. This proof of local and communal support is invaluable to those we serve, and offers a genuine boost to their well-being and sense of social connection.

Corporate/Community Organizations who commit their staff to volunteer at large-scale, supervised home rehabilitation events.

“Dream Team” volunteers, composed of several skilled tradespeople who have volunteered their services to RTP for many years, complete specific, specialized repair work. Our Dream Team volunteers help with tasks as varied as construction, warehouse maintenance, food delivery, care package assembly, and donation drop-offs.
Our volunteer-based opportunities through RTP fall into two categories: If you’re interested in collaborating with us, we can help you find a way to meaningfully impact the lives of your neighbors and homeowners in need. Learn more about how you can help!
What Our Volunteers are Saying

Meet Jordan
Jordan walked in our office looking to give back. His mom had received extensive home repairs from RTP and he wanted to join the organization that had helped his family. In watching our staff work on his house, Jordan became curious about learning construction skills. Starting in March of 2018, Jordan dedicated multiple days a week to help the construction crew.
When Jordan came to RTP, you could tell he was eager to help, which led to others being eager to help him learn. One of our Project Coordinators helped him create and update his resume. We also saw some of our longtime volunteers help Jordan develop his construction skills, later offering career advice. Jordan inspired us all to do more and try harder.

Meet Sue
Sue began her engagement with RTP as a donor in 2018. She came on as a volunteer as a way to further engage with RTP’s mission. When asked why she volunteers, Sue explains,
“You can see the transformation all in one weekend. Helping people who have a need – it’s always someone really deserving who needs it. Repairing your home is the last thing after food, clothes, etc. You come to realize how fortunate you are. I wish I could fix the world but I do what I can. It fills me up. I wish more people felt that way.”
When we asked Sue what she would say to someone thinking about donating or volunteering, she replied:
“Definitely do it. Give it a try. You can find something that you could do that you would enjoy. Put yourself out there. The more you do it, the more you want to do.”

Get Involved
If you are wondering how to help out your neighbors, RTP has a ton of ways to get involved!

Home repairs completed
Support Safe & Healthy Housing
Our ability to stay safe at home is largely dependent on the quality of our housing. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh delivers home repairs to our neighbors who need it most.