
Are you a homeowner in need of home repair services? If so, we may be able to help.

Review Eligibility

Verify Homeownership Status

A permanent resident of the household must be the homeowner of record–name must be on the deed AND must have lived in the home for at least the past 3 years

Verify Income Status

Total household income must fall at or below 60% of the Allegheny County Area Median Income (AMI).

Note: to qualify, all residents 18 years or older in the home must disclose income.

Verify Home Status

The home must also meet the following criteria:

  • Be in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

  • Be current on your property taxes or on a qualified tax payment plan

  • Must not have received repairs from Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh in the past three years.

If you or someone you know meets these criteria, please fill out our Interest Form and return it to our office at 7800 Susquehanna Street, Pittsburgh PA 15208. You may also call the office or contact us here if you would like an interest form mailed to you.

Click here to download our interest form.

Click here to download our Large Font interest form.

Application FAQs

What information will you request in my application?

You will be asked to include information about your total household income, including current employment or Social Security and/or pension benefits. You will also be asked to describe the condition of your home, the top three concerns you would like us to address with repairs, and the names and birthdates of each resident in the home.

What is the time frame of the application process?

Due to the high volume of applicants and the availability of funding, application for services is not an automatic process and selection of participants is limited. If your application meets eligibility requirements, you will be contacted by a member of our staff to schedule a walk-through inspection of your home so we can get an idea of the scope of work.

What if my home does not meet the requirements for Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh's services?

 If Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh is unable to serve your home for any reason, we may be able to refer you to other housing agencies in the Pittsburgh area who also provide homeowner services.

Explore Our Resources

Access to all of the resources necessary to educate and empower our neighbors, volunteers, partners, and all those invested in revitalizing homes and communities throughout Allegheny County.

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Home repairs completed

Support Safe & Healthy Housing

Our ability to stay safe at home is largely dependent on the quality of our housing. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh delivers home repairs to our neighbors who need it most.